About our concerts
Concert week is quite involved, so be prepared! We are sending a special letter out two or three weeks before the date with absolutely all details, but is basically goes like this:
Rehearsals: We have TWO evening rehearsals in concert week (usually Tuesday and Thursday), and on the Saturday an afternoon rehearsal with soloists and instrumentalists, followed by the concert with a short break between.
Women: Long dress, or skirt (ankle length) or smart trousers; tops with long sleeves – all black. Small black handbags and discreet jewellery only.
Men: Black dinner suit, white shirt and black bow tie.
The stage: We construct a platform in the chancel area with raised seating for the singers furthest from the audience, and overall, space is quite tight (especially if we sing with a full orchestra) – so please take care when moving around. Ideally you should take nothing on stage but your music folder and at most a small handbag. Please consider this when packing for the concert and avoid bringing valuables with you which cannot be left in the (open) backstage areas.
Black music folders: are provided. If you do not already have one, please collect from Henrike on the Tuesday of concert week
Choir Score Books are collected not on concert night, but on the Tuesday after. Please make arrangements with a friend if you are not going to be there and remember to erase all pencil marks first.
Volunteering: The Chorale is responsible for all aspects of the concert, from selling tickets to setting up the stage, audience seating, refreshments and stewarding. Support from all members of the choir are greatly appreciated. Please look out for the volunteer poster in the weeks before the concert, detailing all volunteering opportunities.
For more information and suggestions please do not hesitate to contact Henrike Hawkins
henrikehawkins@hotmail.com / mobile 07952 948 799
Our Spring Concert will be held on Saturday 22 March 2025 at St George's Church
Our previous concert
Our Winter Concert: Blackford, Mirror of Perfection and Fauré
was held on Saturday 23 November 2024, 7pm at St George's Church
Click here to open up feedback sent to Sally Moran from audience and members.
Bernstein, Chichester Psalms​
Shearing, Songs and Sonnets
Chilcott, Songs and Cries of London Town
on Saturday, 15 June 2024 at St. George's Church
Reflections by Members and Audiences
Haydn, Nelson Mass and
Schubert Mass in G
on Saturday 23 March 2024 at St George's Church